Media Mapping, a practical take on media today, and around us..

Look around, anywhere, everywhere, we have some kind of media trying to hold our attention. It wants you to read it, look at it, understand it, the way it wants you to. Media has shown its presence in our lives whether we want it or not. But, what we do know is media is needed, like it or not, media has to be present to make us understand, realize and inform of our surroundings. Our lives is driven by media, not in an authoritative way, but in a nice proclaiming way. 

Being an advertising student, I can call media as being a medium to persuade people. It persuades us into taking some action, mentally or physically. When I first heard the term ‘Media mapping’, I found it quite interesting. My first perception was of tracking and capturing media we see around us, and I was sort of right. As receivers of media and being media students, it is somewhat important for us to learn, track and study media we see around us. Billboard-Message1

The less I talk about the online media today would be better. Because there is so much information out there about this digital phenomena, that I would sound like a dumb, uninformative genius, HAHA. But still, the way I sum it up is, Online or internet media is an on-going revolution but the authentic and traditional media still remains an attractive and fun media to work in. 


Hence I look forward on this journey with Gloco (Globalized Communications and Culture) in my Masters degree. I look forward to knowing more about the world inside the social media and how it operates on an individual scale. Lets see what happens!


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